Thursday, September 20, 2012

Map depicting Orchard Road trail route

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

IH Orchard Road Trail Vodcast _ part 2

IH Orchard Road Trail Vodcast

Friday, July 27, 2012

Interaction between people of different generations PEEs

P: Parents have trouble bringing their kids out for shopping.

E: Source B shows a mother trying to carry her child struggles to get out of her mother’s grasp.

E: This means that parents usually have trouble bringing their kids out for shopping. This becomes fairly worse at Orchard, due to the fact that it is usually crowded with shoppers. This shows that Orchard seems to be inconvenient place for parents to shop if they want to buy clothes for their kids.  The malls at Orchard are mostly crowded with youngsters on a shopping spree. Thus, the parents might have a even a greater problem of both controlling their kids and dodging the youngsters. This will make them more frustrated and start scolding their child, making their relationship worse, which is not good.We can prevent this if shopping mall have small play areas or nurseries where parents can leave their children there in the safe hands of the assistants while they peacefully shop for the things they want which are most probably clothes. This not only decreases the chances of parents getting angry with their kids. but it also  makes Singapore’s economy better as more parents will come to shop if there were such services.


P: Parents do not spend enough time to bond with their children in this era.

E: Source B shows a family consisting of a Father, son and daughter seated at a table in Burger King in Plaza Singapura. The Father is reading some papers and taking notes while his daughter looked enviously at another girl’s birthday party in Burger King and the son just looked around Burger King aimlessly.

E: This means that parents do not bond much with their children nowadays. Though they are seated at the same table, they are not even talking to each other. The Father is busy with his office work and neglects his children, although he has brought them out to eat. His daughter is probably envious of the girl having a birthday party as all the attention is on her and she is having a great time with her friends, while she has to sit alone not playing or even talking to her father.  Unlike other boys, this boy seems quiet. It is probably because he is scared that his father would scold him if he talked or caused any disturbance. This is not a good sign for kids as when they are young they will learn these things from their parents and do the same to their own children in the future. This is not good because if this type of relationship continues when parents reach their ripe age, no one will want to take care of them and the number of elderly being abandoned will definitely increase. Though buying food at Burger King increases Singapore’s economy, it is not good for people’s health in the long run, though it is useful if we need a quick bite. The government has taken measures to increase the bond between children and their parents, however, they need to come up with better schemes as the situation is worsening drastically.

Interaction between people of different nationalities PEEs

 P: People tend to bond and meet their friends at or near shopping malls.

E: Source A shows two young men, one from Singapore and another from a different country, who are seated outside Cathay Cineleisure having a puff, during the lunch hours

E: This means that these two young men would have probably planned to meet up at Cathay to  have food. After which they decided to have a puff and went out. This not only helps Singapore in terms of people living as a united nation despite the differences of their nationalities , but it also helps the economy as the people buy their food and their needs such as cigarettes, from the shopping malls like Cathay.This also shows us that shopping malls are a convenient place for people to meet and spend time together because of the facilities they have for entertainment and also because shopping malls are more prominent than other places. It can be said that it was a smart plan to build a shopping mall there as teenagers from places such as NYC or from the Scape Park and working adults in Orchard can come over and have a drink or eat food.This also allows them to meet people of similar interest and they might just become friends, improving interaction and bonds between people of different nationalities.

P: Teenagers usually hang around Orchard with their friends to spend their time together.

E: Source B shows two teenagers of different nationalities talking to each other while waiting for their friend who was of an impromptu interview that took place at Orchard near Cathay Cineleisure.

E: This means that these teenagers might have been on their way to somewhere else after having lunch at Cathay Cineleisure. This improves firstly, the economy of Singapore because the teenagers buy their food at Cathay. Secondly, the bonds between people of different nationalities improves. It also enables the teenagers to have a good break after the activities they were engaged in. This shopping mall serves as a place of fun as they interact more with their fellow mates. Thus, this shopping mall both directly and indirectly helps Singapore. Directly, by helping Singapore’s economy and indirectly, by serving as a place where Singapore’s future leaders will learn better about one another so that they can work together towards an even brighter future for Singapore.

Mixed Landuse PEEs

P: Most hotels are an example of mixed land use.

E: Source A shows the interior of Rendezvous Hotel Singapore. It shows escalators and people sitting at a café and also some rooms.

E: This means that Rendezvous Hotel Singapore has a complementary uses in a balanced mix. Mixed Land Use’s definition is involves a range of complementary uses that are located together in a balanced mix. Meaning that a use compliments another so that another use is created like shops create employment.  As it can be seen from this picture, people are seated at a café. A café is a shop and there is not only one shop but many others including Seki, Baja Fresh and some others. This also implies that there is employment as workers are needed if shops are to function. As you can see from the rooms that this is a place of residential for a short time since it is a hotel and not a house. The escalators show development in this hotel as escalators were developed only in this century. It can be concluded that all hotels have shops as hotels usually have a dining area for breakfast, lunch and dinner. They also have gyms and swimming pools which are considered recreation. In conclusion, it can be concluded that most hotels are examples of mixed land use as they have development, shops, employment, residential and recreation areas.

P: Most hotels at Orchard are examples of mixed land use.

E: Source B shows Orchard Parade Hotel that has Starbucks, Black Angus and Modesto’s shops at its ground level.

E: Mixed Land Use’s definition is, involves a range of complementary uses that are located together in a balanced mix. Meaning that a use compliments another so that another use is created like shops create employment.  This means that Orchard Parade Hotel is an example of mixed land use as it has shops, rooms where people can stay in, which means residential for a short time since it is a hotel, and because of the hotel and the shops, employment of people is needed so that workers can run the business. Since Orchard is a shopping district, hotels at orchard usually have shops in them making  them an example of mixed land use as shops is part of the uses that compliments another use. Thus, it can be concluded that most hotels at Orchard are examples of mixed land use because of the shops they offer and the services they offer.

High Density Landuse PEEs

P: Though Orchard mostly has examples of mixed land use, there is also high density land use.

E: Source A shows condominiums where people stay in.

E: This means that source A portrays high density land use as the definition of high density land use is an area with 1,000 or more residents per square mile. As shown from the picture, it is evident that more than 1000 residents are living in the condominiums. Thus, it can be shown that Orchard not only displays mixed land use but also high density land use at the ends of Orchard Road. These residents not only have shops nearby for them to shop from but also eateries where they can purchase their food twenty four seven because of the bustling surroundings of Orchard.

P: There is high density land use at Dhoby Ghaut.
E: Source B shows a condominium and a HDB flat, at Dhoby Ghaut, displaying high density land use.

E: This means that source B portrays high density land use as the definition of high density land use is an area with 1,000 or more residents per square mile. As it can be seen from the picture, it is evident that more than 1000 residents are living in the condominium and HDB flat. Thus, it can be shown that Dhoby Ghaut, not only displays mixed land use, Plaza Singapura, but also high density land use. These residents not only have shops nearby for them to shop from but also eateries all available at Plaza Singapura.

Friday, July 13, 2012

Compare Contrast of Locations

Name of the Locations
Similarities between the locations
Differences between the locations
Orchard Point
Centre Point
Cuppage Terrace

For all three of these places the land was used for retail, somewhere in their history. Furthermore, for these three places the land was used for markets and shops for groceries.

Now, all of these places hold many retail businesses, attracting many people to them.
They offer different types of retail. Orchard Point and Centre Point offers shops where people mostly shop for clothes while Cuppage Terrace offers bars and restaurants. However, both for the entertainment and pleasure of people.

GoodWood Park Hotel
Cuppage Terrace
For both of these locations the land was used for the same purpose. To build a building with retail that could bring the people living near or on the land their business. They were used to benefit the retail businessmen in the area.

Now, they both still bring in business to the owners of companies and at the same time, they both attract the same type of people who seek comfort, relaxation and even delicious food and beverages.
Furthermore, when they were still shops the target people of the buildings on the lands were different. For Goodwood Park Hotel it was the Malaya businessmen while for Cuppage Terrace it was the residents who live near or in the prenakan district near Cuppage Terrace.

Now, the buildings built on the lands serve different purposes. Goodwood Park Hotel is a well-known hotel while Cuppage Terrace holds bars and restaurants.

Macdonald house
Currently, both the buildings are used to bring in business.
The land these buildings are built on were used for different purposes in the past. Takashimaya was used as a burial ground. However, MacDonald House was used as an office building.

Macdonald House
Orchard Road Presbyterian Church

In the past these places had relations with enemies. They were either used or destroyed by the enemies or seized away.
Currently, the buildings serve different purposes, one as an association for young Christian men, another as a bank and spa while the last one is a church. Making them attract totally different types of people, with different interests.
Orchard Road Presbyterian Church
Macdonald House
Goodwood Park Hotel
All of these places have remained the same or were re-built to serve the same purpose for more than ten years.

Now, the land used for these places have not changed in arrangement over the years.

All of these places serve different purposes, in the past and now. YMCA was used by the Salvation Army Services Welfare team from India in the past and now is an association for young Christian men.

Orchard Road Presbyterian Church was a mission chapel in the past and now is a Presbyterian Church.

MacDonald House was a office in the past and now is a building that holds a bank, a spa and Mccann Worldgroup.

Goodwood Park Hotel was a Teutonia Club for the Germans in the past and is now a hotel

YMCA Research

Name of location: YMCA (Young Men’s Christian Association)

Exact Location: 1 Orchard Road  
                            Singapore 238824

History of Location:

In 1900, many officials and missionaries sent the English National Council an appeal to set up the YMCA in Singapore. G.W.Lovell, a businessman, wrote a letter to the National Council in 1901 to set up the YMCA in Singapore as well. This was because he wanted the British youth in Singapore to get to not be tempted to be engaged in gambling and other vices. Robert Pringle, who was one of the important people who started the YMCA in Bombay,India and Colombo,Sri Lanka, was later sent to Singapore. With his knowledge, the YMCA was founded at No.1 & 2 Armenian Street in 1902.

YMCA reached out to the youth in Singapore and also promoted volunteerism and community work through camps and various programmes to help those who were less fortunate in Singapore.
In 1904, YMCA was relocated to another building in Armenian Street,known as the Zetland House which was the former American Embassy. After several years passed, further expansion was needed for the building. The government had granted the YMCA a 999-year lease for an Orchard Road site in the Dhoby Ghaut area and two years later, the YMCA officially moved to the Orchard Road premises.
From 1942 – 1945, during the Japanese Occupation of Singapore, the YMCA building was seized and turned into the place where there was interrogation and torture headquarters of the Japanese Kempeitai (Secret Military Police). The Japanese tortured the people using electric shock, water torture and other cruel methods. In this period of time, the YMCA building brought fear to people due to wartime activities.

After the war, the British wanted to demolish the YMCA building and open it as a memorial to those who suffered under the Japanese. However, it was used as a Forces Centre for a Salvation Army Services Welfare team from India. After much discussion, YMCA reclaimed the building and later resumed operations at the Orchard Road building in 1946. In 1979, the nine-storey YMCA building was constructed. On the 24th of November 1984, the YMCA building at 1 Orchard Road was reopened and is the acting headquarters of YMCA.
Today, YMCA has established itself as a charity and through various activities, volunteers reach out to the less fortunate and needy in Singapore. YMCA also organizes international exchange programmes which allow students to make a difference to the lives of the less fortunate overseas.
Why was it chosen

The YMCA building in SIngapore, needed further expansion as they were being recognised in the society more. The previous location where the building was did not have enough land space to do so. Furthermore, it would be easier for people to navigate their way here since it was Orchard and they can use the many sign boards that tell tourists the place they are at. Furthermore, since there were a lot of Christians in Singapore and all should be helped. They have chosen Orchard as it is a central location for people from north, south, east and west, making it easy for the people to travel.


Takashimaya Research

Takashimaya :

In the 1950s, Ngee Ann City sits used to be a burial ground that was owned and maintained by Ngee Ann Kongsi. It was a part of the land known as Tai Shan Ting, which was between Orchard Road, Paterson Road and Grange Road. The burial site was removed to make way for Ngee Ann Building, which was then demolished to make way for Ngee Ann City.
In 1967, redevelopment of the Ngee Ann Building was first considered. Ngee Ann Development and the Orchard Square Development Corporation planned the building of Ngee Ann City in the late 1980s. The architect, Raymond Woo, who designed the complex, drew inspiration from the Great Wall of China. It was to reflect the dignity, solidity and strength of the Ngee Ann Kongsi. The designing and overseeing the project took 5 years.
In the late 1980s, Ngee Ann City was conceptualised as the focal point on Orchard Road shopping belt by the leaders of the Kongsi jointly with Orchard Square Development Corporation (OSDC).
Now, it is a tourist attraction and offers seven levels of shopping. It also carries many famous brands such as Gucci, and many other Japanese products . The available spaces at the semi-circular Civic Plaza are now used for events.

Why was that area used as a shopping area?

Orchard Road Presbyterian Church Research

Orchard Presbyterian Church
In the present
The church building has been developed and upgraded over the years and it now holds many congregations in all different languages from Mandarin to even German. The church also holds classes for children, on certain days at certain times.
In history
Orchard Road Presbytarian Church was a Mission Chapel, a building that The East India Company contributed $250 towards to. Since a sizeable number of scots were worshipping at the mission chapel , it was nickname the “Scots Church”. A meeting was held in 1822 to form the first Presbyterian congregation but it was not realised until the arrival of Rev Thomas McKenzie Fraser in 1856.

The land that the current Presbyterian Church of Singapore was built was only given on 6 May 1875. However, the location of the Church's foundation stone laid in 1877 is not known. The Church finished building in 1878 at the cost of $20 000 and it started off with a congregation of 42.
During the Japanese Occupation, it was used by the Japanese as their supply base and most of its early records were destroyed. In 1947, when World War 2 ended, Rev Geer who was interned in Changi reopened the Church for regular service.

The Church only had minor renovations till a major one in 1975, where the Sanctuary was extended and in 1985 where the new extension with Dunman Hall was successfully completed and the new chapel built behind Tomlinson Hall.
Now, the church holds services in many languages including English, Mandarin, Indonesian, German and Dutch. In addition to the English-speaking congregation, in the year 1968, a Mandarin speaking one, followed by an Indonesian one was added to the Church in 1976. In 1978 a German congregation started up. Causing the services to be in many languages.

Why was it chosen?


Orchard Point Research

Orchard Point :

In the past, Orchard Market stood where Orchard Point is today. In the 1960s it was a popular market that sold fresh produce to residents. Today, its is located beside the Orchard Road district , the shopping hub of Singapore . It was built in 1891, and was torn down by the Urban Redevelopment Authority, and replaced by Orchard Point in 1982.

In 1837, the site of Orchard Road Market used to stand on part of William Cuppage's estate. Cuppage's son-in-law, Edwin Koek, inherited the estate in the 1860s. In the beginning, Orchard Road Market was called Koek’s Market. After its completion in 1880, it was leased to the Municipal Authorities and became known as Orchard Road Municipal Market. In 1890, when the Municipality bought the land it tore down the building and built a new one in its place in 1891.The new market originally consisted of only one wing but extensive renovations took place later and these caused the building to be almost totally transformed.

In 1910 an additional wing and a concrete frontage were added. As the area was prone to flooding, the structure was raised a few years later to eliminate flooding of the market. In 1930 a new building was built in front of the existing one. In spite of all these renovations and additions, the Orchard Road Market still retained the original cast-iron structure into the 1970s when it was demolished.
Today , it is located beside the Orchard Road District , which is the shopping hub of Singapore . Many tourists head to Orchard Point to shop and dine today.

The Reason why it was chosen:
As the orchard road district was developing, many buildings had to be renovated. The Orchard Market which stood at the area where Orchard Point is today, was removed to allow the shopping centre to take over its place because although it was renovated and upgraded it still retained the original cast-iron structure and thus, would be unappealing to tourists and shoppers if they see such buildings in a shopping area. It will just make them conclude that the shops in the district are not as good and modern just because of that one building

MacDonald House Research

History of MacDonald House
On your walk along Orchard Road, you will be able to identify MacDonald House with its distinctive red bricks. It was the first large office building in the post-war era in 1949 . It was designed in Neo-Georgian style, and the red bricks were specially manufactured by Alexandra Brickworks to achieve the desired colour and texture. On 2 July 1949 the building was officially opened by its namesake, Malcolm MacDonald, the British Commissioner-General for Southeast Asia from 1948 to 1955. He was a liberal, and did not hesitate to mingle with the non-whites and natives. He also did not mix much with the pompous culture of the European "snob clubs" of Malaya.

President Sukarno had vowed to crush Malaysia as a "neo-colonialist puppet state" after which, Indonesia's foreign minister, Dr Subandrio, on behalf of Sukarno, declared Confrontation with Malaysia on 20 January 1963, eight days after Singapore's incorporation into the new Federation of Malaysia. It was then that the bomb hit MacDonald House. Though this aggressive policy effectively ended in October1965, it was only formally abandoned in August 1966.

How the bomb explosion took place
The bomb was placed near the lift on the mezzanine floor of the building. The explosion caused a lift door to be ripped off and an inner wall on the same floor as the bomb was blown inwards. This caused the structure to collapse into the ground floor, which had a bank, in a mass of rubble. Windows within a hundred yards of the bomb explosion were shattered and cars parked in the bomb site or driving past the place were damaged. This killed 3 while injuring 33. An official government statement said that it was "a senseless act of terrorism...We strongly condemn and deplore this attempt by the enemies of Malaysia to cow us into submission...The people's answer to this cowardice should be resolution and vigilance".  

Arising from the bombing, two Indonesian marines were arrested and charged with murder. On 17 October 1968, they were hanged. In retaliation, 400 students from Jakarta, Indonesia ransacked the Singapore embassy in Indonesia and proceeded to attack the consul's residence and the homes of two other Singaporean diplomats. Also as a sign of defiance, they burnt the Singapore Flag. During the period of Confronatation, the worst single bomb explosion was the MacDonald House out of 37 that hit Singapore. The cause of the Confrontation was because Indonesia strongly objected to Singapore being part of the newly independent Malaysia.

Its transformation through Time and Space

After years of being vacant, the building was put up for sale again on 5 April 2002 with an area of 78600 square metres spread over 10 stories. The building was gazetted as a national monument on 10 February 2003, with the exterior façade coming under protection while the sale was going on. Tinifia Investment was the successful bidder who paid S$36 million for the freehold building in 2003, and closed the building for $12 million worth of extensive interior renovations. It included the upgrading of the ceilings, floors, lobby and lifts, and the introduction of carparking facilities with the addition of a mechanical parking system for 30 cars.

In April 2005, when the building re-opened, it was of full occupancy. The fifth to eighth floors are occupied by Mccann Worldgroup while Expressions International, a beauty/spa operator,  takes up the 9 and 10 floors. The flagship Orchard Road Branch of Citibank Singapore opened on 23 June 2005, occupying 37,000 square feet of space spread over the building's lower four floors which house the largest wealth management centre in Asia.

Why was MacDonald House at Orchard Road in the Museum Planning Area?
Orchard Road was being modernise after World War 2. Therefore, for retail purposes, for offices to be built for employment and for shops to have a place, MacDonald House was built. Its sole purpose was to house a bank that would definitely lead to modernization as banks not only help a country’s economy but also increases employment in the country.
Pg 91 A Walking Tour Singapore by G. Byrne Bracken

Goodwood Park Hotel Research

History of Goodwood Park Hotel

In 1900, Goodwood Park Hotel was built as the Teutonia Club – an elite enclave for the expatriate German community in Singapore.
In 1918, the Teutonia Club was bought over by three Jewish brothers from the Manasseh family who renamed it Goodwood Hall after the residence of the Duke of Richmond and Gordon in England. In 1922, Goodwood Hall was registered as a restaurant-café-entertainment establishment.
In 1929, Goodwood Park Hotel emerged from Goodwood Hall, which catered to the travelling businessmen from Malaya. By the late 1930s, this hotel was one of the best-known thus, it had prestigious guests like the Duke of Windsor and the Prince of Whales of England.
In 1941, when World War II arrived, Goodwood Park Hotel was converted to a residence for high-ranking Japanese soldiers, who stayed there till the war ended. After which, the Hotel was used as a British War Crimes Court till it was returned to Mr. Vivian Bath, a Manasseh descendant in 1947. It was then back to business after a 2.5 million renovation that brought it back to its former glory. The hotel also made local history of being the first hotel in Singapore to have a swimming pool in its premise, a visionary idea by Mr. Vivian Bath.

In the 1960s there was a rapid expansion of the Goodwood Park and the introduction of several innovative changes such as air-conditioned Goodwood taxis, the longest bar in Southeast Asia and an air-conditioned wine cellar. Goodwood Park Hotel was bought over by Malayan Banking Group in 1963, only to last 5 years in their hands till 1968, where it changed hands again to become the property of the late Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat, a former Managing Director of the bank.
Under the hands of the late Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat daughter, Mrs. Mavis Oei, Goodwood Park Hotel has played host to many World well-known dignitaries and personalities. The historic tower of Goodwood Park Hotel was gazetted a national monument by the Singapore Preservation of Monuments Board, which has since merged with the Singapore National Heritage Board, in March 1989.

On 21 September 2010, this grand dame celebrated her 110th Anniversary.
Its transformation through time and space
Under the hands of Mrs. Mavis Oei, the hotel’s current Chairman and daughter of Tan Sri Khoo Teck Puat, the hotel underwent massive renovations and expansion. Goodwood Park Hotel has been improved and upgraded continuously to put it among the world’s best. It now presents 233 tastefully appointed guest rooms and suites housed in several wings – Lobby, Mayfair, Tower and Parklane dotted within the lovely six-hectare compound.
The charming hotel had been made even more charming after the contemporary finishing touches which add a touch of exclusivity and uniqueness to the heritage hotel (Goodwood Park Hotel).

Why was Goodwood Park Hotel at 22 Scotts Road?
The location of Goodwood Park Hotel’s location is 22 Scotts Road, which is near Claymore District where in the 1980s evolved into a prestigious district occupied by many prominent European residents, that included the German, and was built in 1900. It was built as a Teutonia Club for the German members that were temporarily residing at Tanglin Club. Once Goodwood Park Hotel was built, it overshadowed Tanglin Club and Tanglin Club’s German membership dwindled. Thus, it can be said that it was built for the Germans so that they can have a place to stay and stay near to their own community, the Europeans. However, when World War I broke out in 1914, Teutonia Club was declared an enemy property and the government seized it.


Pg 175 Lonely Planet Singapore City Guide-Book

Cuppage Terrace Research

Name of Location: Cuppage Terrace
Exact Location: 33A Cuppage Road 
                        Singapore 229458

After its redevelopment that in October 2008, it now has 12 international food and beverage outlets ranging from Mexican to Italian to Indian in its premises. Most of the terrace houses Bars and Restaurants, as it is located at the Orchard Road end of Emerald Hill.

Cuppage Terrace held many Peranakan-style shop houses dating from the 1920s. It was named after William Cuppage, who was the 19th-century owner of the nutmeg estate near Cuppage Terrace. He financially helped in the building of the Cuppage Terrace in the Peranakan style. After many houses were built, Cuppage Terrace became a retail area. However, there are still some places where some of the old terraces of Cuppage Terrace still exist today. Some examples are houses which were built in 1903, with a huge front and a Chinese-Peranakan style. In 1925, the houses were more decorated and styled. The most recent renovation  Cuppage Terrace was under was the one that ended in 2008, improving the state of the bars, restaurants and relaxation areas there while keeping the Peranakan (1920s) feel.

Why it was chosen?
Cuppage Terrace was chosen for such retail purpose because of the increase in residents in the Cuppage District, mostly the prenakans.

Centrepoint research

Name of location: Centrepoint  

Exact Location: 176 Orchard Road
                             Singapore 238843

History of location:  There was a railway line which linked Malaysia with Singapore, built in 1900. A bridge, where trains crossed over Orchard Road, is where The Centrepoint is located now. It was believed that when any train crossed, pedestrians came to a standstill since the Chinese believed that it brings bad luck if a train crossed above your head.

In 1917, Cold Storage bought over the space of some shophouses in Orchard Road. This was known as the Cold Storage Depot. In 1919, the first outlet was opened. The most remembered was the Cold Storage’s Magnolia Milk Bars in the 1950s.

Before the 1980s, the old Cold Storage building went through renovation. Later, the building was extended and was named as Centrepoint Shopping Centre and eventually was named as The Centrepoint.  

The Centrepoint is managed by Frasers Centrepoint Limited which is a subsidiary of Fraser and Neave. In 2005, The Centrepoint was under major renovation and there was a six-storey extension with two basements. In December 2006, the building was completed. 

Today, The Centrepoint is well-known as a multi-faceted shopping mall in Singapore. It consists of the Robinsons department store as well as the largest Marks and Spencer outlet and many other popular shops. The shopping mall has made some records which have entered into Guinness Book of World Records and Singapore Book of Records for its feat in the Tallest Chocolate Sculpture at the end of year 2008. The Centrepoint has clinched several other awards too. Till now, Centrepoint is somewhere tourists and Singaporeans would want to shop and can get their branded items easily.

Why was it chosen?
Since they were looking towards modernizing Orchard Road and also because it was going to be a shopping district, the train bridge and Cold Storage were removed to make place for a shopping mall that not only holds supermarkets but also shops for people to buy clothes and other necessities from.