P: Parents have trouble bringing their kids out for shopping.
E: Source B shows a mother trying to carry her child struggles to get out of her mother’s grasp.
E: This means that parents usually have trouble bringing their kids out for shopping. This becomes fairly worse at Orchard, due to the fact that it is usually crowded with shoppers. This shows that Orchard seems to be inconvenient place for parents to shop if they want to buy clothes for their kids. The malls at Orchard are mostly crowded with youngsters on a shopping spree. Thus, the parents might have a even a greater problem of both controlling their kids and dodging the youngsters. This will make them more frustrated and start scolding their child, making their relationship worse, which is not good.We can prevent this if shopping mall have small play areas or nurseries where parents can leave their children there in the safe hands of the assistants while they peacefully shop for the things they want which are most probably clothes. This not only decreases the chances of parents getting angry with their kids. but it also makes Singapore’s economy better as more parents will come to shop if there were such services.
P: Parents do not spend enough time to bond with their children in this era.
E: Source B shows a family consisting of a Father, son and daughter seated at a table in Burger King in Plaza Singapura. The Father is reading some papers and taking notes while his daughter looked enviously at another girl’s birthday party in Burger King and the son just looked around Burger King aimlessly.
E: This means that parents do not bond much with their children nowadays. Though they are seated at the same table, they are not even talking to each other. The Father is busy with his office work and neglects his children, although he has brought them out to eat. His daughter is probably envious of the girl having a birthday party as all the attention is on her and she is having a great time with her friends, while she has to sit alone not playing or even talking to her father. Unlike other boys, this boy seems quiet. It is probably because he is scared that his father would scold him if he talked or caused any disturbance. This is not a good sign for kids as when they are young they will learn these things from their parents and do the same to their own children in the future. This is not good because if this type of relationship continues when parents reach their ripe age, no one will want to take care of them and the number of elderly being abandoned will definitely increase. Though buying food at Burger King increases Singapore’s economy, it is not good for people’s health in the long run, though it is useful if we need a quick bite. The government has taken measures to increase the bond between children and their parents, however, they need to come up with better schemes as the situation is worsening drastically.